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Village Schools Federation

Whatever we do, we work at it with all our hearts

Whatever we do, we work at it with all our hearts

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Resources for mental health & wellbeing

Milton Keynes Vaccine Catch-Up Drop-in Clinics


The local health partners have organised drop-in clinics in Milton Keynes for young children who are not up to date with their vaccinations.

These are available to all families and you do not need to book an appointment, you can call in when convenient making it easier to access than via your GP.


The clinics running are:

Wednesday 12th June and Wednesday 10th July 2023: The Rowans Family Centre, Moorfoot, Milton Keynes, MK11 2BD - open 1.00pm to 4.00pm

Thursday 13th June and Thursday 11th July 2024: Daisy Chain (The Lounge), Melrose Avenue, West Bletchley, MK3 6PS - open 9.00am to 12.30pm

Thursday 15th August 2024: Daisy Chain (The Lounge), Melrose Avenue, West Bletchley, MK3 6PS - open 9.00am to 3.30pm


The NHS are encouraging families to ensure their children are up to date with vaccines as this is the most effective way to prevent many infectious diseases, and also help protect others you may be close to  with serious health conditions.


Online links to resources and support

Books to support children

Useful resources

Signposts for support
