Vision and Values
The Village Schools Federation aspires to nurture and inspire every child to experience life in all its fullness. Our schools are rooted in inclusive Christian values to enable all to flourish by building knowledge, confidence and resilience for the future.
We strive to be the best we can be. "Whatever we do, we work at it with all our heart"
Colossians 3:23
Our Church of England Schools follow Roots and Fruits which is an inspirational collective worship resource focusing on twelve Christian values explored over two years. Our First School explore the same values through assemblies using stories, drama, poetry and reflection. Each collective worship/assembly includes the four elements of welcome, learning, reflecting and responding which match the windows, mirrors, doors strategy outlines in our spirituality statement.
The worship is enriched by;
- quotes and questions to encourage deeper thinking about each value
- photographs and posters to root the teaching in the everyday experience of children
- stories, poems and art
- prayers and guided reflections
- ideas to develop themes of worship through the week